It's The Obama [BP] Oil Spill ! -because- Prez Obama and theObama Regime Did Nothing Nothing Nothing !
On Dec 29, 1:12*pm, dave wrote:
On 12/29/2010 10:17 AM, RHF wrote:
Yeah - The Rig Worker may have cause it...
But Prez Obama Gets The Blame For NOT
Getting It Fixed/Stopped In Almost 90 Days.
The USCG was on site the night it happened and is probably still there
now. The US government can only fix things with bombs and cruise
missiles, otherwise they're out of tools. They then have to hope the
private sector knows what it's doing. I meticulously followed the
operation and saw some exemplary work by the finest people in the deep
sea exploration business. Sure they threw a little chaff out once in aq
while, but they have proprietary methods to protect.
Ask Coohoo about the loop current.
'Special-Dave' changes nothing,,, Nothing... NOTHING ! ! !
NOTE : Just Holding Prez Obama To The Same 'Blaming'
Standards as The Liberals Held Prez Bush Too ;;-}}
ain't-pay-back-a-'b-i-t-c-h'-! ~ RHF
*IF* It's A-OK To Blame Prez Bush For Everything . . .
=So= It Must Be A-OK To Blame Prez Obama For Everything Too !
-or- Is This More "Facts Have A Liberal Bias" Thinking ?
-wrt- The Liberal Rule of 'Blaming' : It OK To Blame "Them"
as Long as "Them" Are NOT Liberals & Socialists.
-also- The Liberal Axiom : Liberals & Socialists Are Blameless !
{You Can NOT Blame A Liberal a/o Socialist}