On Jan 6, 1:45*pm, Bob Dobbs wrote:
RHF wrote:
- - He Did Is Best for 5+ Years :
- - I know better than I could have done :
- - And most likely better than you might have done :
- - I give him that Earned Respect and Honor
- - for having gone through it. ~ RHF
- He got better much than deserved for his crimes.
- If you went into someone else's country
- to destroy the infrastructure
- and kill the local population
- then by being a barnstorming asshole
- ended up getting shot down and incarcerated,
- would you be seen as a 'hero'?
- He should have been killed that day at the lake
- and we would have been spared the shame of Palin.
- View the beautiful place where that ****head landed
- as he was trying to destroy a local power plant:
So then the Rules of War Do Not Apply . . .
and the Geneva Conventions Don't Exist . . .
John McCain's Inhuman Treatment' {Years of Torture}
by the North Vietnamese
-or-is-it-simply- Political Bias on your part -wrt-
* To Many/Most Liberals a/o Democrats : John Kerry
is a "HERO" for his Vietnam Anti-War Activities
-cause- John Kerry Is A Liberal a/o Democrat.
* While John McCain Will Never Be A 'hero' For Being
A Vietnam Warrior and POW
-cause- John McCain is NOT a Liberal a/o Democrat.
and that's the way i see it ~ RHF