Thread: rf antennas
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Old February 9th 04, 01:29 AM
Posts: n/a

Before I start this circuit, could you guys suggest me any references
to look maybe, about some high freq. rf design tricks, etc


" Stephen Cowell" wrote in message ...
"erdem" wrote in message
I am trying to build rf transmitter and receiver that could transfer
information (doors open closed, light on, etc, etc) from my car in the
parking lot to my office desk. The distance is about 100m. I would
like to have the receiver to be very small-key chain size. Therefore I
thought high frequency might result in a smaller antenna. Most
probably bandwidth will be very small (I do not need high speed data
transfer). I am not sure about the polarization issue. About the
power, that depends on the design, most probably. I am planning to use
the IC from;

Is it possible to do this kind of a device that small?

Easily... as long as all it has to do is receive. You
can pump out 20W of UHF RF from your car, you'll
hear it without any antenna at all inside, probably.
Your concerns are path loss (not that much through
the walls of the building) and receiver antenna
inefficiency (the greater of the two, since you put
a small size limit).

Perhaps you're talking about this chip:

Pretty impressive, I must say... looks like fun.

Keeping this On Topic for r.r.a.a, I'd start with
a piece of wire 1/4 wave long, run around the
perimeter of your device, as an antenna.

PS Make sure that you address any legal considerations
about one-way automatic transmissions.