Hi Tom,
Murata did get out of the high performance filter
business..................about the only things that they have now are the
4-element CFU series, and the 6-element CFWS (now CFLW) series.
"Tom Holden" wrote in message
Fred McKenzie wrote:
Pete, that's about as much as I paid for the receiver
I'm trying to improve! A Radio Shack DX-394
I missed your original posting. What does the DX-394
currently use as an IF filter? If it happens to be made
by Murata (or maybe Panasonic), a replacement with better
specifications may available to fit in the same PCB
holes. Check your filter's part number with the
company's web site, and you may find a solution there.
However, if it uses the same filter for AM reception, a
tighter filter could reduce sound quality of music.
73, Fred, K4DII
Fred, thanks for your follow-up. The DX-394 has two 5-element Murata
filters, one 9kHz or wider for AM and one 6 kHz or wider for SSB/CW with a
BFO offset of +/-3.5kHz from 455kHz. That's why a narrower filter will
a BFO mod. There does not appear to be a much narrower filter in the same
package and from what I understand Murata is out of the ceramic filter
business. So I guess I will have to keep an eye out for a surplus filter
shell out $85 or so for a new 'economical' Collins!