"Hammer" wrote in message
Putting up a 10 through 160 or 10 through 80 meters dipole. I have lots of
wire and coax and a 1:1 balon. Interested in how the shape or form of this
dipole should be to work properly? I have to put it into two trees to get
height. Are there any good links or sights to learn proper making and
A standard dipole will only work well on one band. However, if you put
several different dipoles together in parallel, you can have antennas for
different bands using the same feedpoint.
Check out:
http://www.geocities.com/n2uhc/2banddipole.com for more information. I use
a combination 20/40 meter dipole for portable operation with my QRP rigs.
Just keep in mind that the different elements for different bands will
interact with each other. If this weren't the case it would be feasable to
put elements for 80-10 together and use the same feedpoint. Since they do
interact, you may want to put together what's known as a fan dipole, where
the different elements are angled away from each other to cut down on the
Tom Sevart N2UHC
Frontenac, KS