Dead-R-Us : Medical Malfeasance Due to the Administration ofPrescription Drugs in Hospitals
On 01/17/2011 06:24 AM, Out of the China Blue wrote:
In om,
On 01/16/2011 09:03 PM, RHF wrote:
Somewhere around a 300+ Hospital Patients DIE
each and every Day : Due to Medical Malfeasance
Due to the Administration of Prescription Drugs
for the simple reasons of : [Rx Mix-Ups]
* Wrong Prescription Drug {Oops!}
* Too Much of the Right Prescription Drug {More Ain't Better}
* Too Little of the Right Prescription Drug {Less Is Worse}
* No Prescription Drug at all {None Can Kill}
Call them all what you will : Mix-Ups; Accidents;
Clerical Errors; Mistakes; simple human error; etc...
What is your source for these vagueries?
It's a widely known problem. Hospitals are dealing with it by putting barcodes
on patient bracelets; the nurse swipes the bar code to verify the patient and
medication. Medication orders are typed on the computer screen instead of hand
written scribbles. It's been shown to save many lives.
The purpose of competent health care is to keep you out of hospitals for
as long as possible. I'd still like to read a real scientific article as
opposed to believing a faceless handle on the interwebs.