Liberty Net: January 29, 2011
On 02/08/2011 04:10 AM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
Usenet spam used to be more of a problem a few years ago (though was never affected too much), but it seems to be
receding -- along with the popularity of Usenet itself.
I didn't know about aioe's censorship, which is troubling. I only tried
them briefly, but their servers were so slow that in the short term I
was never quite sure if my posts were really posted or not (sometimes
they _would_ be posted even when Thunderbird said the server timed out
-- and sometimes not).
With all good wishes,
Kevin, WB4AIO.
I can't imagine what kind of target demographic we're a part of. I've
been here since 1997 and this is the worst the spam gets, which isn't
[knock] bad. Some newsgroups are 10:1 advertising.