Flash player & Streaming
In article ,
Dave Boland wrote:
Anyone KNOW why radio stations insist on using flash for audio instead
of normal audio formats like Windows, MP3, etc? I see no advantage
since it won't work on Apple products and HTML 5 has audio built in.
Just makes the listener's job more difficult. Makes no sense.
I'm with you on not liking Flash on radio station streaming
sites, Dave! But FYI, it does work on most Apple products.
I can't remember whether Flash support is built into Mac OS
X or whether you have to add a plug-in, but I view Flash sites
all the time on this MacBook and my big Mac Pro.
However, I believe it would be a problem with an iPhone or iPad.
Or has some third party come up with a Flash app for them?
One suggestion, if you haven't tried it already, is to see whether
the station is available via iTunes. I know of some stations that
have their own Flash-based players but are also accessible (via
an MP3 feed, I presume) through iTunes. Another advantage of the
latter is that you can quickly change from station to station
without having to switch between different websites or media players.