Hi new guy in town
hi from Buffalo NY. my name is Matt and i was into radio listening for a long time since 1996 -03 but fell out of it. Just a few weeks ago i started looking for a nice short wave radio i found some old Dx-160's to start me off. i will use them till i get the hang of it and may upgrade to a nice digtal unit some day.
now i have a few Q's about the antnna as some of you may know they come with a to post 450ohm ladder wire but i would like to make a adapter to take that to a Coax as i need to run it in the wall of my old house to the attic. the attic is big! like 3rd floor lol so i was thinking of making a loop antnna up there the size of the antnna will have to wait as i need to get the total size so i know what to work with.
now i have use 50ohm cable b4 with CB's now will 75 ohm cable/dish Coax work? i have a lot of it and would like to use it for some thing. this is for a short wave radio 150khz-30mhz
Last edited by mkube396 : February 14th 11 at 01:45 AM