Handheld Scanner Help-Stopped working
itsmejr wrote in news:itsmejr.79e6f58
I have a radio shack pro-96 5500 channel scanner. It worked fine for a
couple years. I plugged it in one day and listened for about 10 minutes
and noticed it was quiet. Nothing on the display, no power to the unit.
Ive tried new cord, batteries, etc. Any help.
Have you checked to see if its still programmed?
Did you by chance use the wrong battery box ? using the wrong carrier
with the wrong batteries can create a real problem.. corrosion ETC:
If the batteries run down on the Pro-96, it loses its ability to do
anything. no squelch no noise - NaDa...
IF its not the problem, take to Rat shack and have them send it for
the Pro-96 is a digital and while its not the best, its well worth keeping
IF you have a real need for a scanner anyway.. a new digital scanner is
not cheap.