Hi, Well it was over 20yrs ago hi!! but I seem to remember
it was a twin triode setup
from Ron......
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 06:57:27 -0500, "Edward A. Feustel"
"Ron" wrote in message
Hi, I'm building a small valve communication receiver in an
effort to recapture some of the fun of my youth
And I am trying to find a circuit of a simple valve CW Audio filter
Years ago I built one from a circuit that was in the ARRL handbook
about 60's vintage, that was superb, anyone got an old Handbook
of that vintage that could have a look and possibly scan the
info, or possibly have a good one of their own using standard
valve componants!! long shot I know
Thanks from Ron G3YUH
Do you recall if it was a twin-T filter? I might be able to find a tube
implementation. As I recall it took a twin
triode and used feedback.
Was your filter tunable?