Richard Clark wrote in message . ..
On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 08:11:24 -0600, Bob Miller
On 1 Dec 2003 05:50:30 -0800, (Art Unwin KB9MZ)
You are quite correct. Some years ago I was given to
understand that Google took over the old set up.
My server said there was nothing he could do for me.
Is their a way for me to get the postings quicker
other than paying for it ?
My ISP includes the news group feeds at no additional cost. You might
check to see if your ISP has its own news group server. If it does,
you're all set. Start accessing that news server instead of Google.
If not, you could check some of the other ISPs in your area of the
You could also go to and download their news
group reader. There's a free version called Free Agent. It's a much
better handler of newsgroup postings than what you might be using in
your browser. Once Free Agent is installed, go into User Options and
give the name of the news server at your ISP. Then go under Groups,
and download the list of all the news groups handled by your ISP
(there should be 40- or 50-thousand). Then subscribe to the ones you
want, such as this one.
Hi All,
This is exactly how it's done. Buy the commercial version and get
extras (like spam filtering and email handling, if I am not mistaken).
I've had the store-bought version for years and they are about to
upgrade with big additions. Your purchase should allow for a free
upgrade - maybe, consult the link already offered above.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC
Thanks for that Richard.
My server does have that news thing as has been pointed out and then
there is your suggestion. I am now going to consult my son showing him
all the links that have been presented here and go from there.
Thanks everybody, now I see that it is Google that is giving me fits
and I must get away from them.