The People of Libya
On 3/7/2011 6:42 PM, dxAce wrote:
I hope everyone here gives a thought tonight for the people of Libya,
regardless of whose side one might be on.
I made countless calls today, and spoke with my Arabic interpreter as well,
trying to get the Obama regime to step up the effort to evacuate the many
folks in the area who simply want to avoid the problems in the region.
A kind thought, but I am not sure why we have to be the policemen of the
world, especially when money is so short in our own country and the
tea-baggers (read Republicans) want a smaller, more frugal government.
I know, that there are countless people, innocent victims, who will die in the
area, through no fault of their own.
Sad but true. :-( Same as we did nothing in Rwanda, the killing
fields of Cambodia, etc, etc.
We, as I pointed out earlier today, did a much better job of evacuating
Saigon, and certainly South Vietnam, many years ago.
Well, yes, because we had a MAJOR interest in and a large number of OUR
people (and supporters) in Vietnam -- and even then, we did a relatively
poor job; IMHO your analogy is poor because it's hardly the same
situation in Libya. No American soldiers there, no large number of
locals on Uncle Sam's payroll like in Vietnam.