Chris Trask wrote:
I learned by way of Google that there was a thread on this newsgroup
last Summer regarding reciprocal detectors. I'm interested in learning what
sort of success any of have you have had with regard to noise immunity and
adjacent signal suppression.
,----------------------. High Performance Mixers and
/ What's all this \ Amplifiers for RF Communications
/ extinct stuff, anyhow? /
\ _______,--------------' Chris Trask / N7ZWY
_ |/ Principal Engineer
oo\ Sonoran Radio Research
(__)\ _ P.O. Box 25240
\ \ .' `. Tempe, Arizona 85285-5240
\ \ / \
\ '" \ IEEE Member #40274515
. ( ) \
'-| )__| :. \ Email:
| | | | \ '.
c__; c__; '-..'.__
Graphics by Loek Frederiks
I have a reciprocating detector (RD) kit that I purchased from Stirling Olberg,
W1SNN, in the early 70's. I have built it into a broadcast band AM receiver to
eliminate selective fading distortion. This receiver has switch selection of
diode, quasi-synchronous and RD detectors. I could probably run some tests for
you using this receiver.
I can also provide a bibliography of articles on the RD if you do not presently
have one.
Bob, K4QQK