Surplus to my needs, must go
MORROW MBR-5 Movble Receiver, 13 tube, , Ham Bands 80, 40, 20, 15, 10
meters. AM, CW, calibrator, with matching speaker and Power supply, 6
VDC. wi/Book
ELMAC -AF-67 "Trans-citer" AM, FM, CW. abt 60 W AM, VFO, crystal, sn
486A, a little rough looking, complete. With James PS, 125 AC, / 6
VDC, and cable.. (one owner) wi/book
DOW-KEY TR swtich model DXC-TR, tube type, takes power from receiver
or transmitter.
HAMMARLUND HQ-150 Receiver, very good shape, working. (one owner) wi/
BC-221-N Frequency meter, you have the boatanchor, now you can
calibrate it. AC PS, sn 4173 original calibration book, v. good shape.
Who is interested? Prefer pickup, near Newark, DE. Make offer or it
goes to the ham fest.
Regards, cullen K5HAL