Thread: slow process
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Old March 2nd 04, 03:33 PM
Mike Andrews
Posts: n/a

David Lindsay wrote:
On my first attempt using a recently purchased alcohol still, it took over
6hrs to make around 4 liters of alcohol. We were running the temp steady at
around 84 degs. When I finally decided to increase the temp to 90 degs is
started flowing faster. Should we have ran it hotter from the start. How
long does it usually take to run off 5ltrs.

Any tips would be appreciated

Well, it appears that in at least one respect .au law _does_ differ
significantly from .us law.

This group, however, is a _radio_ homebrew newsgroup, not an _alcohol_
homebrewing newsgroup -- although some of us resort to alcohol to
recover from the problems inherent in the radio kind of homebrewing.

Just remember that the first 5-10% and the last 5-10% of your run will
be full of things like fusel oils and methanol, and should _not_ be

"My father, he made whiskey;
His father, he did, too.
We ain't paid no whiskey tax
Since Seventeen-ninety-two."