The Elected US President Is NOT a "The-N-Word"
On Apr 3, 6:35*pm, AzzMazta wrote:
On Sun, 3 Apr 2011 13:58:56 -0700 (PDT), RHF wrote:
Whether you like Prez "BO" {Obama} or not : BHO is the
Elected US Prez-A-Duntz and is NOT a "The-N-Word"
Obama is an "N-word" - Nimrod, that is. Also, Nonmoral. Non-patriotic.
Non-Judeo-Christian. Not-American-born. And let's not forget,
Henry Pizzinger Institution
for the Mentally 31337
AzzMazta, Chairman &
I think I heard in the news BHO just filed some papers for the 2012
elections !