Greetings All:
I have entered my NS3 DDS based RF Analyzer design into the Renesas
Rulz RX microcontroller design contest. There is a general description
with links to three YouTube videos on the Renesas web site that
describe the capabilities of the analyzer. There is a pdf download for
the full project description illustrated with photos and schematics.
There is also a zip download for the public domain source code files
all posted at:
The firmware is written in C under the Renesas RX Standard Tools
compiler which is free for up to 128K of code. The current software
size is less than 100K thus there is still room for customization
within the unlicensed tools size limit. I hope that in the future
someone will find the time to port the code over to the gcc compiler
alternative which would circumvent the free tools size limitation.
I have a limited number of bare PCB boards available for the various
modules but have not documented them on my website yet.
There are still many more features that could with time be added but I
think it is fair to say this project is out-of-the-gate.
Tom, VA7TA