Cheap Gas Thanks to American Taxpayers and Armed Forces
My 1983 Dodge van, 318 engine, four barrel Carter Thermo-Quad
carburetor, (it isn't a small van, about 18 feet long, about six and a
half feet tall, I prefer BIG Vans, screw those dinky little vans! they
aren't worth a Sheet!) this morning I went shopping, van's gas gage
showed about one fourth of a tank of gas.I don't know just how accurate
that gas gauge is and I don't want to find out by running out of gas.I
stopped at a Shell gas station at the intersection of Highway 80 and
Ellis Ave and I paid for $40.00 worth of gas.That brought the gas gage
up to about half a tank of gas, I think it is a 24 gallon gas
tank.$40.00 bought me about 11.1 gallons of gas.Some gas stations have
gas at a cheaper price, about $3.44 at the Murphy USA gas station at the
Dangerous Walmart store at the intersection of Greenway Drive and
Highway 18.