Univision canns one of its biggest HD Radio cheerleaders - DavidEduardo!
On 4/8/11 12:17 , spamtrap1888 wrote:
On Apr 8, 9:14 am, D Peter wrote:
On 4/8/11 09:44 , spamtrap1888 wrote:
On Apr 8, 5:54 am, "D. Peter wrote:
On 4/8/11 07:04 , David Kaye wrote: wrote:
EVP David Gleason and Senior Vice
President Ismar Santa Cruz are no longer in those positions.
He's also endorsed illegal immigration, voter fraud, and admitted
to actively protecting criminals while using them to influence
societal metrics.
Yes, his contributions on USENet have been signficant.
Nice troll. Got anything to back up these allegations?
Yes, go read his posts here. He spent nearly a year describing how he
actively protected illegals, while mining them for ratings and research
He posted it worldwide.
So those accusations that he committed crimes boil down to "Illegal
immigrants listened to David Eduardo's programming."
Nice distortion, but that's not what I said.
Go. Look. Read. The discussion went on for more nearly a year, and
involved many on RRS.