Now on Kindle:
SolderSmoke is the story of a secret, after-hours life in electronics.
Bill Meara started out as a normal kid, from a normal American town.
But around the age of 12 he got interested in electronics, and he has
never been the same.
To make matters worse, when he got older he became a diplomat. His
work has taken him to Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, the Spanish
Basque Country, the Dominican Republic, the Azores islands of
Portugal, London, and, most recently, Rome. In almost all of these
places his addiction to electronics caused him to seek out like-minded
radio fiends, to stay up late into the night working on strange
projects, and to build embarrassingly large antennas above innocent
foreign neighborhoods. SolderSmoke takes you into the basement
workshops and electronics parts stores of these exotic foreign places,
and lets you experience the life of an expatriate geek. If you are
looking for restaurant or hotel recommendations, look elsewhere. But
if you need to know where to get an RF choke re-wound in Santo
Domingo, SolderSmoke is the book for you.
SolderSmoke is no ordinary memoir. It is a technical memoir. Each
chapter contains descriptions of Bill’s struggles to understand
(really understand) radio-electronic theory. Why does P=IE? Do holes
really flow through transistors? What is a radio wave? How does a
frequency mixer produce sum and difference frequencies? If these are
the kinds of questions that keep you up at night, this book is for
Finally, SolderSmoke is about brotherhood. International, cross-border
brotherhood. Through the SolderSmoke podcast we have discovered that
all around the world, in countries as different as Sudan and
Switzerland, there are geeks just like us, guys with essentially the
same story, guys who got interested in radio and electronics as
teenagers, and who have stuck with it ever since. Our technical
addiction gives us something in common, something that transcends
national differences. And our electronics gives us the means to
communicate. United by a common interest in radio, and drawn closer
together by means of the internet, we form an “International
Brotherhood of Electronic Wizards.”