In article , "R J Carpenter"
Pulling this thread a little to one side:
The "Radiotron Designer's Handbook" from the Amalgamated Wireless Valve
Company (Australia) had a number of tricks to reduce the tube count in
radios. Its main interests are AM and shortwave broadcast radios.
The book was sold by RCA in the USA. Anyone interested in tube radios
should have a copy. It's a couple of inches thick. It was last issued in the
1950s - mine includes info on FM broadcast receivers.
A CD version was published and sold three years ago by Audio
Amateur Publications Inc., Peterborough, New Hampshire. I got mine
from Old Colony Sound Lab through their website...don't know if it is
still there. It's a nice keepsake and reminder of old times in vacuum
state electronics. CD beats the heck out of the thick paper version
someone snaffled from me years ago. :-)
Len Anderson
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person