SB-1000 problem
Hi, Chris
Very good. I'm glad your 3-500Z survived OK.
People avoid the rectangular shaped resistors
(which look like cement) for this application - I don't know
if they feel that the insulation is insufficient
for the 3 KV to be encountered, or if they feel the resistor
won't shatter enough to act as a fuse.
Enjoy your SB-1000!
On 4/13/2011 9:11 AM, Christopher Hall wrote:
Thanks for the info Ed, I have learned a lot and you and everyone else has
been a great help. I removed the blown resistor and reconnected the lead and
the amp works FB again, so problem solved. Im glad it turned out to be so
simple. I will install another 10ohm 10W resistor to replace the blown one
in the near future before I put the amp back on the air for real.
Thanks again all and 73