On 4/14/2011 8:49 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
On 4/14/2011 12:49 AM, wrote:
When I worked at Delta Cotton Oil, some of those shafts were
powered by
big flat belts.One time one of those guys somehow got part of his
caught between the belt on one of those shafts.It snatched his pants
right OFF of him.
Or, as the Republicans would say, "WE don't need no big government,
we don't need no stinkin' OSHA".
On 4/14/2011 10:06 AM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
As I hope you've divined by now, I have no attachment whatever to the
increasingly despicable Republicans.
But it does seem odd, even perverse, to me that anyone harmed by the
actions of another would immediately run to the biggest band of
criminals in North America -- the "legislators" and "regulators" in
Washington -- as a solution.
First of all, you seem to be putting the cart before the horse when you
say "anyone harmed by the actions of another". The *whole point* of
agencies like OSHA is to keep people from being harmed in the first
place. If the OSHA mandated belt guards were installed, Coohoo's buddy
would not have been sucked in in the first place.
Finally, "odd, even perverse" is your opinion of regulators.
Personally, I'm sort of glad that we have agencies like the FDA and the
FAA, to name just two. Are they perfect? Heck, no. Are they better than
taking your chances with private businesses driven by greed? In my
opinion...yes, waaay better.
Please remember that these regulatory agencies came into being solely
because of scandals and disasters usually caused by the carelessness
and/or greed of private businesses wanting to save a buck (like not
installing the belt guards).