On 4/17/2011 2:49 PM, Speagle wrote:
On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 14:17:35 -0700, RHF wrote:
*IF* The ARRL want to have a real "Voice" at the Table in Congress and at
the FCC :Then they have to be as 'smart' as the other "Players" in the
Washington, DC Political 'Action' {Power} Game.
Look At Success : Look at the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) :
Government for sale to the highest bidder?... typical stupid teabagger
Teabagging republicans would sell their mother's SS to the rich while
living under a bridge burning the corpses of the children they fought so
hard not to abort and brag to each other about their perceived superior
intellect on their new 400Mhz cellphones.
Moron. To mix metaphors he drank the KoolAid hook line and sinker.
This is the type that both parties love, not someone who can't think,
but would never start.