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Old March 8th 04, 10:44 PM
Posts: n/a

In article om,
"Henry Kolesnik" wrote:

After several calls to the factory I was able to find someone who had a book
on the codes. Here's what he gave me when he figured out what number was
2116 = 1uF @ 50V
2064 = 6.8uF @ 35V
2139 = 18uF @ 50V
2031 = 22 uF @ 15V
2017 = 33uF @ 10V
2004-J = 47uF @ 6V
2035 = 68uF @ 15V
2021 = 100uF @ 10V
I've measured several on two different capacitor meters and all read close
to what the factory told me. I wonder why they coded the values with
numbers that don't make any sense? Military intellligence?

The numbers, like 2116, are just sequencial numbers on a very large
table that covers many pages in a manual. The numbers make sense
when you have the manual.


There's never enough time to do it right the first time.......