Voice of Nigeria (19mb)
On Apr 18, 5:59*pm, wrote:
On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:06:10 -0700 (PDT), bpnjensen
On Apr 18, 12:12 pm, wrote:
Voice of Nigeria - 15.120 MHz - 1815 UTC tune in - 1830 UTC reading
some voting results - very boring but good modulation and strong
signal until around 1850 UTC when some fading took place. ID just
before shut down @ 1900 UTC.
Nice to hear their modulation is good. *Until recently, except for
prerecorded interviews, it was train wreck. *They must have finally
gotten a critical mass of mail complaining.
Was the poor modulation on this frequency?
Yepp - last year was crap. This year, apparently, has been a bit