On 4/21/2011 10:04 PM, Mitchell Holman wrote:
Funny how that video evidence didn't
make an impression on the Texas jury that
heard the civil case. Or the Republican
judge that presided over the criminal one.
Or the Republican-led Danforth Commission.
Are they all part of a Clinton
conspiracy as well?
Jury clears US over Waco deaths
A Texas jury has ruled that the US Government was
not to blame for the death of about 80 members of
the Branch Davidian sect during the Waco stand-off
with federal agents in 1993. About 100 survivors and
relatives of the dead had sued the government for
$675m, alleging that agents had used excessive force
to end the 51-day siege.
PS: Waco is the most conservative city in the most
conservative state with the most conservatives jurors.
And that's exactly why they rendered that preposterous -- and tragic
-- verdict.
There are a few wise conservatives of the old school still around,
and a few who have been awakened by harrowing personal experiences,
but I am afraid that most "conservatives" today practically worship
the Washington regime's military killing machine, and _actually
believe_ that FBI and ATF agents are honorable men who generally
tell the truth.
With every good wish,
Kevin Alfred Strom.