Custom & Border Patrol Protecting Americans from $2 European Chocolate Easter Eggs
Michael Bachmann wrote:
I'm from the government and I want to help you!
Not all eggs are created equal in the eyes of U.S. Customs and Border
Kinder Eggs, a popular European chocolate egg that contains a toy
inside, is banned from importation into the United States because it
contains a "non-nutritive object embedded in it."
So we are teaching our children at a very young age to not be responsible
for themselves. they no longer have to worry that something they might
ingest could harm them. /they can blindfold themselves as toddlers, go out
into the world and stuff anything in their mouths that they can grasp in
their little hands. the US Department of Agriculture (or whoever) will make
sure they can't poison themselves. And so it goes. When they are adults,
they will, thinkj the same way. The good liberals will take care of them.
Their government will save for their retirement, choose their educations,
jobs, places to live, clother to wear, cars to drive, food to eat, health
care plans and everything else. So all they will have to do is follow the
simple instructions, and live in whatever padded cell the government chooses
for them. And, the best part is that they will call it freedom!