MEMO; 3rd Annual Kombat Kramer Klam-Bake & Klown-Fest July 4th Weekend
On Apr 26, 10:33*pm, DennisMc wrote:
On 4/26/2011 3:36 PM, kop wrote:
The Distinguished Trolls will once again be hosting the Kombat Kramer
Klam-bake and Klown-fest at rec.knives over the 4th of July weekend.
This guy must have embarrassed you good for you to pay attention to him
for three years.
***LMAO Stevie Boy embarassed himself time and time again and is a
Legend on UseNet as the biggest Blowhard to ever grace any of its
pages. Upon his arrest in Chaing Mai one of our Distinguished resident
Trolls stated "January 8th, 2004 ~ A Day That Shall Live in
Infamy"...Kombat stated "It sure as Hell will"..
Come join in for the 3rd Annual Klam-bake and Klown-fest on the 4th of
July weekend ~ rec.knives...Gonna be a cracker!.