MEMO; 3rd Annual Kombat Kramer Klam-Bake & Klown-Fest July 4th Weekend
On Apr 27, 4:19*pm, DennisMc wrote:
On 4/28/2011 1:37 AM, rigger wrote:
Think of a project like driving the snakes out
of Ireland; some things take longer than
in nca
You display a classical example of 'Stockholm Syndrome.' Very interesting....
And I've never even been to Stockholm; quite an accomplishment,
wouldn't you say, Mr. Freud?
And so YOU would be exhibiting symptoms of "anti-Stockholm
Syndrome?", very interesting.
Although you could grow up a little and join the party?
You old stick-in-the-mud.
in nca
(You COULD have offered to find me a photo
hosting site but instead try to denigrate me;
VERY interesting.)