On 5/1/2011 8:26 PM, Shall not be infringed wrote:
On May 1, 11:23 pm, wrote:
Kookers already going into denial mode.
Hey, didn't the 9/11 twoofer crowd tell us UBL was dead years ago and
his tapes were all faked?
Heh! Good one.
Perhaps his dad will provide a DNA sample so we can verify Obama got
the right spoiled rich kid terrorist brat.
It is all over, will they start bringing troops home tomorrow? Can we
stop bombing people in Libya?
Did osama have a copy of obamas' birth certificate on him?
Are we going to repay the iraqis' for the oil we stole?
Gawd, in addition to the birth certificate, there is going to be even
more questions to stay focused on!