WHAT?!?! Sell a rig? NEVER! =:O
Oops, sorry. I was thinking you had a schematic for the IC-251A.
Anyhow, I will proceed with my plan and throw it on the old spectrum
analyzer and look for harmonics up to 26 GHz (the upper range of the
spectrum analyzer)
Ian White, G3SEK wrote:
OK, that's fine. You can easily make the modifications reversible in
case you might want to sell the rig.
There you've lost me... I don't know the circuit details of that rig,
but at these very low levels it might well work without re-matching.
That's correct. The level of the 1440MHz spur is mostly determined by
how hard you drive the mixer with the main 144MHz signal, and very
little by that signal's own harmonic content (unless of course it's
gross, which there is no reason to expect - the big harmonic generators
are the high-level stages that you won't be using).