On 5/24/2011 9:02 AM, gfn wrote:
On May 24, 11:24 am, John wrote:
On 5/24/2011 8:20 AM, gfn wrote:
Where are some credible souces to back up any of that innuendo you keep
attempting to push?
Truth is, sure looks like the wealthiest 1% are not paying 42% of all of
governments costs, and sure looks like the top 19% are not paying half
of governments costs, until that happens they are NOT paying their fair
share ... a flat tax can fix that ...
I already said the tax data is at irs.gov
Now, as for a flat tax I agree with you 100%. The one I advocate is
the FairTax.
Let me put this more bluntly. If I buy and item and pay 7% sales tax,
the top one percent should buy an item and pay a 42.7% sales tax, that
way they will be contributing their fair share to run government ...