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Old March 19th 04, 07:31 PM
Bruce in Alaska
Posts: n/a

In article ,
Joe McElvenney wrote:


I been beating my brains out for the last few days
trying to run down a problem on a 20-year old Icom-740
transceiver with not a lot of luck. Perhaps someone here in
the group has a trick or two up their sleeve to get me out
of the hole I've been digging myself?

The situation is this -

snipped for brevity

Sorry about the windy posting friends but if anyone has
any idea on ways to trace wayward current leaks, please let
me know.

73 de Joe, G3LLV

Look for a shorted bypass Cap along the supply rail. These
small tantilum caps are notorious for shorting out, and giving
your symptoms. Just follow the rail on the schematic and isolate
each board one at a time untill you isolate which board is drawing
down the supply. Then look for the bypass caps on that board, for
any discolor or sign of excess heating.

Bruce in alaska
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