Standing waves on antenna, doubts!
Hello, I have some doubts about standing waves on antennas that I hope
you could clarify!
As far as I understood, in a generic transmission line where we want
only carry power from a source to a load, we need to cancel the
reflected wave by adapting the load with the impedance of the line.
The result of this operation is S11=S22=0 and VWWR=1 that means no
standing waves.
As far as I understood, in an antenna we want to also avoid standing
waves by having VWWR=1 in order to avoid overloading problem to the
power stage...
From theory I know that the best radiating condition for an antenna is
when it resonates, that is, when there is a standing wave… is that
correct? How this condition is compatible with a VWWR=1 (no standing
waves) for a good antenna matching? Is there something that I’m not