On 6/20/2011 9:22 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:07:24 -0700, John
And, we are eating vegetarian, given this alternative, I'll buy ...
Wimps. The antenna party barbeque is suppose to be an adventure.
Perhaps some of these would be more acceptable:
After all those, perhaps the reprocessed feces burger might look a bit
more appetizing?
One of the bad habits I acquired in my mis-spent youth was a taste for
a few bugs.
When available, I like to munch crickets and chocolate ants.
I am telling you, I wasn't worried about much, just retired and enjoying
life, but ...
Now I am back to worrying about getting some income streams going, if
steak goes to $1,000 lb., I want to be able to afford the real stuff!
I don't know who they plan on eating that "SYNTHETIC MEAT" (and, I put
that very, very kindly -- poor dumb japs, I think the radiation is
affecting their tastes buds AND minds!), but it ain't me!
I mean, who'd a thought, they find themselves knee deep in sewage and
they decide to eat themselves out of the mess! Go figure! I mean, I
have to admit, that is "thinking out of the box" -- but right into the
old sewer plant! EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Kinda job security at the old food
recycling plant ... you eat more, there is more waste, you eat more,
more waste ...
Funny thing is, well, not really funny ... just the way that article is
written is in the form of the brain washing which usually precedes the
actual action(s!)
I guess I am the lightweight here, just the thought and reading that
article made me gag ... I thought it would provoke more anger in
Americans ... I mean, if you don't get angry about people eating human
feces, what is there which could possibly anger you?
I mean, have you ever considered the parasites which commonly inhabit
the human gut, not to mention the dangerous diseases, viruses, fungus,
prions, etc?
And to think, before this, I was worried about GMO foods and getting
them labeled!
Now I am beginning to feel I am up "synthetic food" creek without a paddle!