On 6/23/2011 8:36 AM, ElChino wrote:
"John Smith" skrev i melding
Great Liberty Net is on now, they were discussing obamas' fraudulent
birth certificate and the fact it has been reported to the FBI and the
FBI is just sitting on it, doing nothing, with no comment ...
You can listen online while you warm up the old SW radio:
No, thanks. I'm not on disability, retired or have lots of spare-time
(like you) to listen to such drivel all day. Johnny from Kookomo, you
should get outside your home sometimes and get some exercise
before your body decays completely. You brain has already decayed beyond
.... plonk ...
We plonk meaningless babble, strawman arguments, personal attacks, etc.
When someone has nothing to offer, and starts, right out the door, with
nothing else ... you know it only gets worse ...