Hello Mahukaawe,
Congrats for your Ten-Tec, I have not got one but it is said to be a good receiver.
I think that kind of receiver well deserve a good antenna, I strongly recommend you, if you have enough space, a PAR end-fed antenna it is made with excellent quality materials and the perfomance is superb and for the price it is not expensive.
My main receiver it is a Racal 1772 I use it together a Wellbrook 330S loop antenna with a good result. These antennas are more expensive but if you
want an excellent antenna, do yourself a a favour and get one.
Why do not you join to the yahoo RX 340 group? There are other users that
can help you and you would find lot of info.
There are plenty information about your receiver just type RX340 on the google bar.
By the way, I do not if the RX 340 has signal attenuator but it might be on
Good luck and enjoy the receiver.
Greetings from Spain.
=Mahukaawe;753789]I hope I'm posting in the right area. I'm getting more involved in shortwave listening now. Had a portable grundig for years but since my father in laws passing we where given a super radio Ten-Tec rx340.
It has so much more than any previous radio we've had.
My question is.. I cant seem to get very good reception. I have a long wire antenna that is 65 ft long and is attached to the wood fascia below the roof (facing south) however the roof itself is metal. Is being about 10 inches below the roof going to mess with the reception?
There are no power lines to interfere as we are off the grid in a very remote are of Hawaii.
All home power/wiring is on other side of house.
Would it make much difference to run the antenna straight out away from the house?
I barely pick up the utc time on 5000 and ABC at night comes in okay but it just doesn't seem to be as good as the old grundig. I know my father in law had it working great when I listened with him and I wish he was around to help me learn this beast of a radio.
Also.. Is there a site or anywhere I can find more info on how to better use features like bandwidth, BFO, PBT, dump and the other aux parameters it has? I downloaded the manual but it seems to be made for more knowledgeable folks.
Thanks in advance for any help. I love this stuff.