Thread: HBR-16
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Old March 30th 04, 05:45 AM
Ken Scharf
Posts: n/a

The HBR web site:

I've built three HBR's. It's a nice receiver.

Darrell, WA5VGO

This is something I thought of building several times, but with
extensive modifications. I just don't care for the classic superhet
with the first oscillator a vfo. This requires calibration of each
band, and also tracking adjustments. I prefer the variable first IF
and a crystal controled first oscillator. (Like the drake 2B). My
idea of a receiver project would be to add an additional rf/mixer
front end to the HBR with a first if of 3.5-4.1 (and 6.9-7.5). The
second IF would be 1.7khz (so it's an 80/40 band image front end).
The final IF would be 85khz (guess where those IF cans came from).
Being a compactron nut, the front end would use a 6AR11 rf amp/mixer,
and the 85khz IF would use another 6AR11. A 6AV11 for the product
detector and bfo, 6AF11 for the AF stage and agc amp. Other tubes for
the rest of the rig TBD. Also thought of using toriods in the front end
and bandswitching them by mounting them in a standard turret tuner
chassis ripped out of an old TV set. (I've got some real old junk in my
junk box!).

I have several ARC-5 rx three gang variable
caps, these have a real nice vernier drive on them. Just attach a
larger dial, or a drive pulley for a slide rule dial and you have
something as nice as the Eddystone.

(I sold an Eddystone I had in the junkbox a few years ago on ebay, it
fetched about $130 IIRC. Nice dial, but a RPITA to cut out the front
panel and mount correctly.)