On 7/21/2011 8:59 AM, m II wrote:
bpnjensen wrote:
The denial information you peddle is swill, debunked and shredded
decades ago by people who actually understand the science. Wise up.
He does it on purpose, trying to get fights going. Ever wonder about his
uncontrollable need to spread these contentious postings over so many
different newsgroups?
Sure looks like a Government disinformation agent trying to bring down
the value of Internet communications. This type usually has multiple
personalities. They even bicker among themselves.
If you absolutely HAVE to respond to him, at least don't cross post. It
will help to keep the flies away from the proverbial Smith pile.
Oh, here is the ex-referee from a boxing ring, go smoke your dope, shut
up, we will call you when we want to hear from drug addict ...