Maybe a passive antenna would work: the sort of thing that has been used to
get cellphone signals in and out of buildings that otherwise are dead areas.
In its simplest form, for broadcast FM, it could be just a 56" piece of wire
hanging from the center conductor of the coax that you bring in from the
outside antenna; no amplifier involved. I've used this scheme to get out of
the basement with 1 watt on 2 meters.
Marty K1FHR
"Robert Haston" wrote in message
25 of us work in a metal building and only receive 1 clear station. I
a great outdoor antenna. I could get a cable boost system and run coax to
everyone's radios, but I would like to instead boost it up to 100 mW or so
and run it into an indoor antenna.
I have found amps that do this to boost cable signals for splitting, but I
cannot find one a little more powerful to feed an antenna.
Any ideas?
Robert Haston
Satellite Beach, FL