On May 5, 9:04�am, an old freind wrote:
On May 3, 4:52 pm, AF6AY wrote:
From: wrote on Wed 2 May 2007 23:35:
On Apr 21, 12:20?am, AF6AY wrote:
There's still plenty of time for you to expand the scope of y
HF experience, Len. Drop kick that "commercial operator" mode and r
focus on AMATEUR applications for a while! You'll enjoy it!
I will politiely ask you to rephrase that paragraph.
some thing Never do change it seems
Let's leave that for another newsgroup to handle.
I cannot "drop kick" my previous life experience. In granting me
an Amateur Extra license, the FCC has not required that I give up
anything (as in discarding or "drop kicking") insofar as radio...nor
of experience in radio nor of formal training in radio. Further, the
FCC gives all licensees a great deal of freedom of choice in their
class's frequency spectrum and modes of communications. There
is no compelling mandate that any licensee must 'operate' in
according to what certain groups of amateurs say one must.
"Radio" and all of electronics works by the same laws of physics,
regardless of the federal regulations on use made by governments.
Nor should rop kickyou experence after all if you could achive that
state (which I doubt) would you even have an interest in the ARS? I
doubt it
In your case your professional eperence is what brought you here
Actually, military experience "brought me here." :-) That's given
My first interest in "radio" came about while flying free-flight model
aircraft in 1947. I'd heard about radio control and wanted to know
more. Of course, there wasn't much technology involved in 1947
for that. :-)
But of course you are right Maxwell equation et alldo not change
suddenlyin the Ham bands
James Clerk Maxwell was one of the rare geniuses who came
up with the basic equations defining electromagnetic waves.
"Maxwell's Equations" serve all radio of today...even if some of
the users can't understand what they mean. :-)
I hope and Belive that the ARS has a future
I'd like to think so, too. But, it must adapt to the times and
technology and not be bound to certain modes and procedures
established in the middle time of its existance.
73, Len AF6AY