Radial laying methods
Michael Coslo wrote:
Vertical antennas have some interesting features, but the radials
required for them are a nuisance to install.
So what are you vertical users radial trenching secrets, anyhow?
I'll relay mine after things get started.
I like to do radials a different way: rather than cut a trench for each
radial, I scrape the topsoil, lay out the radials and concentrics, bond
them, and then cover the whole grid up again. Believe it or not, this is
actually quicker, given proper preparation - for an 80 meter vertical
with 64 radials, it can be done by four hams in one day - although it is
definitely best done when the XYL is visiting her folks. ;-)
After that, I put down lots of fertilizer and new grass seed, and blamed
the operation on grubs. Worked like a charm.
Bill W1AC
P.S. This method assumes you are really good friends with an experienced
bulldozer operator who has a job in the next block over, but not that
you actually do have a grub problem.
Bill W1AC
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