A plea for civility
On Jun 11, 3:21 pm, "Bill Horne, W1AC"
In fact, the future of the hobby is now in OUR hands, and
unless we start working together and stop sniping at each
other over minor things like the modes we use, we're
going to fade away without anyone noticing.
AMEN! Hams are members of a group comprising about one quarter of one
per cent of the U.S. population. We have strong common interests as a
result of that shared minority status. Let's focus on those common
interests, rather than on minor differences in our mode preferences or
whether we say "name" or "handle" or "first personal".
These petty arguments remind me of sail-boaters and power-boaters
arguing among themselves about which technology is "most efficient",
or "gets through rough water", or whatever, while in the meantime a
commercial interest is petitioning to drain the water out of the lake
and converting the whole stinking place to an industrial
Friends, our "lake" of spectrum is in danger of being drained away --
spend your energy and intellect trying to solve that problem which
MEANS SOMETHING to everyone of us, instead of arguing over the merits/
demerits of Morse testing, or whether "hi hi" on voice is acceptable.
Without spectrum, there is no Amateur Radio.
73, de Hans, K0HB
The dust will not settle in our time. And when it does some
great roaring machine will come and whirl it all skyhigh again.