Jim N2EY wrote:
What are people doing for Field Day this year?
73 de Jim, N2EY
I'm joining with the Machias Radio Group near Snohomish, WA:
http://www.geocities.com/bswadener/fd2007/. We'll be running in 2A + VHF/UHF
(7 ops). I understand several other hams (and non-hams) may cruise by for
short visits
One HF station will be using Zepps and a 2 element wire quad for 40m. Power
will be from gas engine-driven generator. The other station will be using my
40' homebrew tiltup/rotatable mast w/ a "Crushcraft" A3S for 20/15/10m yagi
on top. The top guyset will be 80 & 40m inverted vees. The 80m antenna
will be a 4 wire cage -- 400KHz BW -- no tuner needed! Power will be from
4 x Group27 batteries in parallel w/ a homebrew DC-DC boost regulator to get
13.8V to the radio. The logging PC will have it's own homebrew DC-DC boost
Vy 73,
Bryan WA7PRC