Ideas needed for a new organization
RDWeaver wrote:
On Jun 25, 1:20 pm, Michael Coslo wrote:
I might caution you that reading that 75 percent figure that a person
can get a distorted perspective. Are all those Hams active? Are they
from the group of Hams who came in during the so called "honeydo era"
when repeaters functioned as a sort of public cell phone for a lot of
folks? They started dropping off a few years ago, and will likely
continue for several more years.
I have no idea what the "honeydo era" refers to, but the notion that
active hams are (or aren't) members of ARRL is not proven here.
At one point a lot of husband and wife teams got their licenses and
used local repeaters to call each other at lunchtime or on the way home
from work in order to exchange info on say stopping off at the grocery
store to pick up something for dinner, or at the hardware store to pick
up something.
Hence the name "Honey, do this, Honey, do that. 8^)
Many people in that group kind of dropped out of the picture as cell
phones became ascendent.
out of habit, I kept the license current and my ARRL membership
intact. So much for "ARRL members are active hams".
That is a sample of one.
is the case with many licensees, but that belief is just as unfounded
as your unfounded presumption that ARRL non-members are "dropping off
and will likely continue".
RDW (Can't we all get some names here? If a person wants to be
anonymous, fine, but it seems a little odd to be seriously discussing
anything with "Klystron" "illitoi" and RDW)
I most emphatically did not say that non members are dropping off and
likely to continue. You should quote the whole statement if you mean to
take something from the words.
I did say that those hams in the group that I referred to as "Honeydo"
hams were dropping off and would probably continue to do so.
I'm not sure how we can have a meaningful discussion if you try to
debunk my points first with a sample of one, and then try to debunk
another point by quoting out of context, then extrapolating it to an
entire group.
- 73 de Mike KB3EIA -