Paul Burridge wrote:
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 17:41:41 -0700, Tim Wescott
H. Peter Friedrichs wrote:
Hello, All:
Rumor has it that QST featured an article in a January/1930 or January/1935
issue on the subject of homebrew transmitter crystals - how cut, lap, and
mount them. If anyone has QST on CDROM for those years, I'd sure appreciate
if you could take a look.
Remove XXX's and ZZZ's if you wish to reply directly, and thanks.
"Cutting Quartz Crystal Plates". QST, January 1935, page 36.
Unfortunately that's from my swiftly-rotting paper issue, and I don't
have a scanner.
Aw, c'mon, Tim. Photocopy and snail it to the guy!
Oh wait! Look -- out there, through that big thing that looks like an
aluminum-framed monitor! There's trees! There's a sky! There's smelly
old cars putting things into the box on the road by my driveway! It's
it's -- the real world! Dang! I forgot about that.
Suitably chastised, the respondent offers:
If you're interested send me your address, I'll bleach out a few pages
worth of my precious vintage ink (you'll see the irony of that when you
get the copies), and send you the stuff.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services