Ideas needed for a new organization
"Klystron" wrote:
The objective would be to provide an organization to those hams who
wish to make ham radio innovative and progressive (again). By
comparison, the ARRL exists to serve those hams who wish to keep ham
radio retrogressive, insular and xenophobic. Certain technologies would
be championed (digital voice, digital data, e.g.) while other
technologies would be abandoned to their fate (Morse).
From my viewpoint of this discussion, what it really seems like you are
championing is an organization consisting of people who hate morse code.
That's ok, I guess, but I think you should simply be upfront and honest
about it, by calling it the "We hate Morse Code Ham Radio Society", rather
than attempting to veil it in bogus atruistic poppycock.
It goes without saying that
ARRL types will not want this and will try to stop it.
I suppose it is easier to blame your own failure on others, rather than
acknowledge the fact that your idea is faulty from the onset.