July 23, 2007 ARS License Numbers
These are the number of current,
unexpired FCC-issued amateur
radio licenses held by individuals
on the stated dates, and the
percentage of the total number
of active licenses that class contains.
Percentages may not add up to exactly
100.0% due to rounding.
These totals do not include licenses
that have expired but are in the grace
period, nor do they include club, military
and other station-only licenses.
Effective April 15, 2000, FCC no longer issued
new Novice, Technician Plus and Advanced
class licenses, so the numbers of those license
classes have declined steadily since then.
Also since April 15, 2000, FCC has renewed all
existing Technician Plus licenses as Technician.
It is therefore informative to consider the totals of
the two classes, since the Technician class
includes a significant number of Technician Plus
licenses renewed as Technician.
On February 23, 2007, the last Morse Code
test element, the 5 wpm receiving test, was
eliminated as a requirement.
The ARS License Numbers:
As of May 14, 2000:
Novice- 49,329 (7.3%)
Technician - 205,394 (30.4%)
Technician Plus - 128,860 (19.1%)
General - 112,677 (16.7%)
Advanced - 99,782 (14.8%)
Extra - 78,750 (11.7%)
Total Tech/TechPlus - 334,254 (49.5%)
Total all classes - 674,792
As of February 22, 2007:
Novice - 22,896 (3.5%)
Technician - 293,508 (44.8%)
Technician Plus - 30,818 (4.7%)
General - 130,138 (19.9%)
Advanced - 69,050 (10.5%)
Extra - 108,270 (16.5%)
Total Tech/TechPlus - 324,326 (49.5%)
Total all classes - 654,680
As of July 1, 2007:
Novice - 21,738 (3.3%)
Technician - 286,771 (43.8%)
Technician Plus - 26,257 (4.0%)
General - 141,321 (21.6%)
Advanced - 67,506 (10.3%)
Extra - 110,799 (16.9%)
Total Tech/TechPlus - 313,028 (47.8%)
Total all classes - 654,392
As of July 15, 2007:
Novice - 21,677 (3.3%)
Technician - 286,791 (43.8%)
Technician Plus - 25,916 (4.0%)
General - 141,991 (21.7%)
Advanced - 67,426 (10.3%)
Extra - 110,936 (16.9%)
Total Tech/TechPlus - 312,707 (47.8%)
Total all classes - 654,737
As of July 23, 2007:
Novice - 21,627 (3.3%)
Technician - 287,171 (43.9%)
Technician Plus - 25,719 (3.9%)
General - 142,014 (21.7%)
Advanced - 67,331 (10.3%)
Extra - 111,031 (17.0%)
Total Tech/TechPlus - 312,890 (47.8%)
Total all classes - 654,893
From May 14, 2000, to February 22, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 26,433
Technician - increase of 88,114
Technician Plus - decrease of 98,042
General - increase of 17,461
Advanced - decrease of 30,732
Extra - increase of 29,520
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 9,928
Total all classes - decrease of 20,112
From May 14, 2000, to July 1, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 27,591
Technician - increase of 81,377
Technician Plus - decrease of 102,603
General - increase of 28,644
Advanced - decrease of 32,276
Extra - increase of 32,049
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 21,226
Total all classes - decrease of 20,400
From May 14, 2000, to July 15, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 27,652
Technician - increase of 81,397
Technician Plus - decrease of 102,944
General - increase of 29,314
Advanced - decrease of 32,356
Extra - increase of 32,186
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 21,547
Total all classes - decrease of 20,055
From May 14, 2000, to July 23, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 27,702
Technician - increase of 81,777
Technician Plus - decrease of 103,141
General - increase of 29,337
Advanced - decrease of 32,451
Extra - increase of 32,281
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 21,364
Total all classes - decrease of 19,899
From February 22, 2007, to July 1, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 1158
Technician - decrease of 6,737
Technician Plus - decrease of 4,561
General - increase of 11,183
Advanced - decrease of 1,544
Extra - increase of 2,529
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 11.298
Total all classes - decrease of 288
From February 22, 2007, to July 15, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 1,219
Technician - decrease of 6,717
Technician Plus - decrease of 4,902
General - increase of 11,853
Advanced - decrease of 1,624
Extra - increase of 2,666
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 11,619
Total all classes - increase of 57
From February 22, 2007, to July 23, 2007:
Novice - decrease of 1,269
Technician - decrease of 6,337
Technician Plus - decrease of 5,099
General - increase of 11,876
Advanced - decrease of 1,719
Extra - increase of 2,761
Total Tech/TechPlus - decrease of 11,436
Total all classes - increase of 213
73 de Jim, N2EY